Tuesday, December 12, 2006

In the beginning...

Chris and I had been talking about adopting a baby for a while. In July, 2006, we finally made the decision to make it a reality. We started our research of adoption agencies. At the end of August we made our choice and signed on. It took about a month to collect all of the information that was needed. That was a very rushed and trying time. On September 15th we had a completed dossier and it was sent to Guatemala. On September 25th we accepted the referral of our baby boy. In Guatemala it is required to have the birth mother's DNA taken along with the babies. So on October 6, this was done. and on October 16th we found out our results, 99.9%. This meant that we could continue on. The next thing that happened, was we needed the U.S. Embassy to give their ok to continue with the process. We needed what is called a PA (pre-approval). On November 16th we received this e-mail. Then the real wait began, on November 24, we got the news that we entered PGN. This is where we will sit and wait until the director decides that it is ok to adopt our baby boy. So here we wait.

1 comment:

Shana said...

Kim & Chris! I'm so glad you started a blog- you won't regret it! Your son is just beautiful, and I am so very happy for you!

Best wishes,
Shana R. (in Antigua) :)